by Mr Yelland         www.SchoolHistory.co.uk


4. The King of Norway who wanted to be King of England?
8. William said that Edward .... to make him his heir (i.e. to be the next king).
9. The Duke of Normandy was called?
10. The Angles and Saxons are known as the ....?
11. The people who ruled England before the Norman Invasion were powerful English ....?
1. Edward the Confessor died in which month in 1066?
2. Britain was part of which empire until 410AD?
3. The king of England between 1042-1066 was called ..... the Confessor?
5. The most powerful of the English Earls was?
6. Much of the early history of England was written by monks, the name we give to such people is a ........?
7. From the 9th century onwards people had invaded England from Denmark, Norway and Sweden. These people are known as ....?